Wednesday, July 20, 2011

LID and misc things

We found out that we were Logged In to China's CCWAA; which is their official adoption agency.
Our LID (Log In Date) was July 11th. We are so excited to be on this part of our adoption journey! It will still take weeks, likely months until we hear from China if we are approved to adopt "Asher". Please pray that things will move along.

I know this little boy has no clue his world will be rocked so very soon. In reality, 5 or 6 months really isn't that long away. I am praying every day that his heart will be soft to us, especially Jay and I. 

I plan to be sending a care package to him as soon as we get our LOA (approval). I am still holding off on buying the so many things we need for this little boy. I do have a few boy toddler clothes, but I got rid of most of them. But right now, I don't even know his size. I am guessing he will be about a size 2. I suppose I am just waiting for that official approval from China. I did buy 2 pairs of pants for him that were on clearance cheap the other day though. I need a crib, mattress, car seat, bibs, and clothes. I also want to find some authentic Chinese toys for him, but I may buy those in China anyway.

Thank you so much for your prayers. We are surviving this paper chasing and waiting, because of your prayers. We also got an update on our grant donations. We are humbled by our friends whom have donated so far. What a joy to see God move in the body of Christ. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all of you who have given to us. 


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