Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Next Steps

After surprisingly receiving our LOA, we got off our paperwork to USCIS for our official approval to adopt Asher.

It is said the average for this approval is about 2-3 weeks.

We hope to hear something maybe by the end of next week or early the following week. We will be working with the same officer who approved our I800A. She was very friendly and worked efficiently, so I don't anticipate any problems with this step.

We also sent off our Visa applications. It will be Jay, Lenea and myself traveling. I was shocked at the cost of that! But, it is done and we should have those in our hands in another week.

No other big news right now. I am starting to buy clothes and things for Asher. He has a new car seat, several very cute bibs, a few new outfits and next I plan to get his crib. (Need to wait a bit more for finances for that though.) It is hard to buy too many clothes since I am really guessing at what his size would be. I am buying a few 18 months and mostly 2T and a few 3T. I do have a few that my older boys wore that I pulled out too. Right now I am sticking with overalls that can be length adjusted and still work if he is extra skinny too. It will be winter when we get him so I think this will be perfect for my dilemma. I am not sure about shoes though. I am trusting he will have a pair on when we pick him up. But in the photos he was wearing girl sandals and I don't want him to have wear girl shoes when we get him. I just may bring a few different sizes and buy one there if they don't work.

Soon, in another week or two I am going to start on my packing list and putting that together.

So excited that we should be traveling to China in another 10 weeks or so! I know it will go so fast and before we know we will be meeting our little boy.


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