Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fingerprinting I800-A

Little bit of a late update:

Last Monday was our appointment for fingerprinting. It is about an hour drive. Not too far, but during the middle of a work day for Tyler and Jay. They both got off early that day and we took a little family trip. We left a few of the younger ones with Makenna and took the rest. I had heard from others that even though it states, "Not to bring anyone besides those who need to be printed", that they had no troubles. We went ahead and took the chance. It ended up being no issue, by the way- the place was very slow. Jay also wore his uniform as they serve armed forces quickly and efficiently.

Well, one thing that is stated on the appointment letter and I have heard from others to be very true with some offices, is that they can and often will turn you away if you have an open cut on your hand. I have also heard that prints don't turn out if you have super dry hands. I have been careful with my hands and asked the guys to do the same. Especially my husband who always seems to have to some sort of cut on his hand or finger. Well, would you believe his hands looked absolutely perfect, but only up until 2 minutes before we loaded up in the van. Yep, he sliced open the side of his index finger and it was bleeding good. He came in the bathroom and was looking for the New Skin. At first it didn't register with me what the problem was, like I said he always cuts himself and he has a high pain tolerance, just doesn't feel it. But then he says, "I cut my finger!' 

I was thinking, "Okay I am sorry, well anyway." (Sorry, I was quite distracted getting people out the door). But then it hit me and I said, "Oh, No! You cut your finger. Let me see it." All for purely selfish motivation, honestly. I felt sick thinking they definitely would not print him with that obvious, bleeding open-wound. UGH! I felt defeated. This process is stressful enough, and we wait on their time table, and his work's schedule, and we have an hour drive, and the cost of gas..... My mind was thinking too much! Jay felt certain, at least he acted certain, that he would still get printed. The cut was on the side and not on the pad of the finger. He stated, "Well, you and Tyler still need them so let's go."

We got in the car and I felt frustrated, discouraged and had no control. I sat silently for a few minutes, looking to blame for husband for his accident. (He actually was helping me fix something, which was why he cut himself.) Thankfully, God did NOT let me sit there for long, having my pity party. I began praying and asking God to change my heart and help me to hand the whole circumstance back over to Him. I told Him IF He wanted the prints done that day it would be fine and if not He would work it out for Jay to return soon. Otherwise the process would be delayed because of the circumstance but it would be HIS providence and not my control. I did not want Satan to defeat us. I was able, after about 15 minutes, to let it go. By the time we arrived I actually felt lots of peace.

The staff got us right up to the computers, within a couple minutes of us filling out our forms. I started to panic just a little when Jay went up. Like I said, more of my not feeling control. But when I was getting my prints done, I realized that the very kind and proficient lady doing themt, did not even glance at my hands. If I would have had a cut she would not have even noticed it. 

It is a little difficult to explain how they do them, unless you have had them done. They are so quick with them and they rely so much on the computer screen, along with you just handing them the right finger they ask for, they just don't look at your hands. So I had a glimmer of hope that maybe it would okay. He had New Skin on the cut and it had stopped bleeding.

When he walked away from the booth, he said, "It was not a problem. She only cared about the prints on the computer screen and didn't even look at my hands." Whew, thank you Lord!

Now we are still waiting to be assigned an officer and find out that they turned out okay!
The lady who took mine did say that mine were the best she had seen all day. But I am not so confident about the guys' hands. God knows, and I trust that though, I just have to keep going there.


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